Congratulations to Liam Grealy who graduated from TCD with his Ph.D. on Friday the 14th of June 2024.

By dhadmin
Thursday, 20th June 2024
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Congratulations to Liam Grealy who graduated from TCD with his Ph.D. on Friday the 14th of June 2024. Liam’s Ph.D. project investigated the role of the oro-nasal cavity as a microbial reservoir for foot ulcer infections in patients with type II diabetes and the application of electrochemically activated hypochlorous acid as a novel therapeutic agent for treating diabetic foot ulcer infections. Liam’s project was funded by the Health Research Board (project EIA2019-002) and worked under the supervision of Dr Brenda McManus and Professor David Coleman from the Dublin Dental University Hospital Microbiology Unit, Division of Oral Biosciences.

Some of Liam’s Ph.D. research has been published in the international Journal of Hospital Infection:

Grealy L, Wilson P, Gillen C, Duffy É, Healy ML, Daly B, Polyzois I, Van Harten M, Dougall A, Brennan GI, Coleman DC, McManus BA. Immersion of debrided diabetic foot ulcer tissue in electrochemically generated pH neutral hypochlorous acid significantly reduces the microbial bioburden: whole-genome sequencing of Staphylococcus aureus, the most prevalent species recovered. Journal of Hospital Infection 2023, 138:42-51.  DOI: 10.1016/j.jhin.2023.06.006