DDUH Doctoral Student Wins Inaugural British Fluoridation Society Career Development Fellowship.

By dhadmin
Thursday, 30th November 2023
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Dr. Patrick Quinn, a third year Clinical Doctorate Student in Dental Public Health at the School of Dental Science, Trinity College Dublin & Dublin Dental University Hospital, has been awarded the inaugural British Fluoridation Society Career Development Fellowship.  The Fellowship, which is funded by The Borrow Foundation, aims to aid the career development of dental professionals with an interest in community water fluoridation and grow expertise in this area.  Dr. Quinn's successful application built on work undertaken on the doctoral programme to date and will involve spending time at institutions abroad with international experts in the field as well as undertaking patient and public involvement (PPI) research relating to the availability of fluoride monitoring data to key stakeholders such as the public, dental professionals and researchers.  The Fellowship is for a period of two years and will culminate in a final report and a publication in a recognised academic journal.  Further information on the Fellowship is available on the British Fluoridation Society website at https://bfsweb.org/career-development-fellowship-funding-open/.  

                                                Patrick Quinn Photo